Whether cybersecurity is something that keeps you up at night or tends to fall down your to-do list, it remains a topic that business leaders cannot afford to postpone. The risk of cyberattacks continue to increase as more employees work remotely and more businesses rely on technology systems to deliver services and carry out their core functions. At RKL, we help organizations identify, evaluate, measure and manage cybersecurity risks so they can stay productive and protected against current and emerging threats.
Confidence in Your Controls
Technology and automation provide many benefits, but also require strong controls to ensure business continuity and data security. Our team of information systems advisors help today’s leaders address cybersecurity risks, while maximizing return on investment. We can also make sure you are well-prepared for the cyber insurance application process.
Credibility and Compliance
Data security is a baseline expectation, but depending on how and where you operate, it may also be a regulatory requirement. Business partners and vendors may also request a cybersecurity plan as part of a request for proposal or contract. We’ll evaluate and help enhance your controls to help you avoid financial, operational and reputational damage.
Improved Cybersecurity Hygiene
Just as technology continues to evolve, so does the risk of a breach or attack. At RKL, we know that cybersecurity is an ongoing effort, so we’ll help design a customized employee training and network testing schedule for your organization. Together, we’ll keep cybersecurity top of mind and regularly test systems to nip weaknesses in the bud.