NEW PLACES AND NEW FACES We consider RKL a trusted business partner and depend on their proactive guidance and fresh insights to help us prepare for what’s next. “Julie Copeland, CEO Philadelphia-based industrial safety equipment manufacturer and supplier Arbill For years, RKL has served the financial, technology and advisory needs of businesses and organizations from coast-to-coast. In 2018, the firm added three new locations that expand our physical presence and deepen our professional bench in key markets. 2018 started strong with two mergers effective on New Year’s Day. RKL merged in Mechanicsburg-based CPA firm Padden, Guerrini & Associates (PGA), which grew our Greater Capital Region complement to approximately 50 team members. Capitalizing on synergies in industry focus, the deal boosted RKL into the top 10 firms serving credit unions nationally and added a new dimension of outsourced medical billing services to the firm’s nationally respected Senior Living Services Consulting Group. 3 | RKL ANNUAL REVIEW